2022 Loop Completion Stats
Wake Crossings
Total Number of Wake Crossings: 227 Boats
(2019 was the previous record year with a total of 192 boats reporting completion.)
Number of New Gold Loopers: 211
Number of New Platinum Loopers: 15
Boat Size
Average Size Boat: 41.1'
Smallest Boat: 12' (PWC)
Largest Boat: 59'
Boat Size Percentages
8% of boats were under 30'
28% of boats were between 30' and 39'
52% of boats were between 40' and 49'
12% of boats were over 50'
Most Popular Boat Makes
1. Mainship (20)
2. Sea Ray (15)
3. Ranger Tug (13)
4. Grand Banks (11)
5. Carver (10)
6. Kadey-Krogren (9)
7. (tie) DeFever (7)
7. (tie) Meridian (7)
7. (tie) Bayliner (7)
10. (tie) Marine Trawler (6)
10. (tie) Endeavour (6)
10. (tie) Monk (6)