20 Feb 2024

Waterway/Lock Closures

Keep up-to-date with waterway and lock closures around the Great Loop. We'll post them here as we become aware of them.

Waterway/Lock Closure Listings

Ortona Lock, Okeechobee Waterway

Ortona Lock is closed until further notice for sector gate closure issues. It is unknown at this time for how long until troubleshooting and inspection is complete.  For updates, contact the Ortona Lock & Dam at 863-675-0616 or 863- 662-9846.

Lockport Lock, Illinois Waterway, River Mile 291

The Lockport Lock, River Mile 291, will be closed to all vessel traffic from 0600 CST Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 through 1600 CST Tuesday, March 25th, 2025. The purpose of this closure is for the installation of the new Vertical Lift Gates, and sill & seal modifications and repairs. In the event the installation and repairs are completed prior to the scheduled completion time, an amendment to this Notice to Navigation Interests will be posted. If you have any questions/comments/concerns regarding this Notice to Navigation Interests, please contact Michael Walsh, USACE Chicago District Waterway Project Office Chief, (815) 510-0361 or at [email protected].

Brandon Road Lock, Illinois Waterway, River Mile 286

The Brandon Road Lock, River Mile 286, will be closed to all vessel traffic between the hours of 0600 CST on Mondays to 2400 CST on Fridays, beginning at 0600 CST Tuesday, January 28th, 2025 and continuing through 1600 CST Tuesday, March 25th, 2025. The lock will be closed from 0600 on Mondays through 2400 on Fridays, but will be open from 0000 on Saturdays until 0600 on Mondays to allow traffic to pass. This schedule will remain throughout the duration listed above. The purpose of this closure is for rock excavation and dredging in the channel below the Lock. Mariners are requested not to tie up to the guidewalls during this time unless directed by Lock staff. Please call (309) 676-4601 x4117 for further information.





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